Hello + Árabe + Workshops with YOU!
My name is Amanda and I’m a musician, composer, and writer who is the artist-in-residence September – October. Originally, I am from El Paso, TX and currently live in New York City. I’ve been in Dearborn for a few weeks now and am truly loving the Detroit area – I’ve gone to three music festivals, eaten at 11 Arabic restaurants and grocery stores in Dearborn, and have been working at the museum in a lovely studio space aka the auditorium!
Pic of my “studio” complete with a reading couch! It is a treat
While here I am trying to finish a project of mine called Árabe which is about Syrian immigration through Mexico and the shared food, language, culture, and history that has been created on the borderland because of this immigration. It’s part genealogy (I’m half Syrian and half Mexican), part research, and part composition as I’m writing new music and accompanying essays about my findings.
Rima at the AANM library has been one of the amazing resources during my time so far. I’ve checked out graphic novels, memoirs, early sociological research, and newly published material that is helping me write the essays for Árabe and confirm previous research I’ve conducted. I’ll share some of my essays and songs here as a sneak peak in the coming weeks. Please keep in mind that they are in draft form, so you are getting the messy process and all!
This book is all about Syrian immigration in Mexico and how Syrians have become part of the Mexican culture in the borderland. Clearly, I loved this book, look at all those tabs!
During my residency I am also conducting songwriting workshops which is one of my favorite things to do. They are free! They are open to anyone, regardless if you have music experience or not! And they are fun! So please come, bring your Mom, bring your Sito, bring everyone!
These workshops will focus on the craft of songwriting. Why do you like what you like, what does a feeling sound like, and how can you use stories, memories, and personal history to write lyrics? The workshops will culminate in a share event on October 22 where we will share our songs with everyone who has participated. Don’t worry, you don’t have to attend all the workshops to participate, and there are many ways to share your song that don’t involve singing/playing – someone else can perform the song, we can work on a recorded version that you just hit play to, you can choose to read the lyrics only, or you can do something else! There are infinite ways to make music and I am most excited to get to learn with everyone who attends.
Below is more info about the workshops. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions, thoughts, or ideas. I look forward to sharing my progress on Árabe and hope to see you at a workshop or out and about – I’m trying a different lunch spot every day so recommendations also welcome.